Friday, September 28, 2007

In The Garden

If I could choose a day to last forever, I think it would be a lot like today.

The world is green and fresh from a new rain.
The water flowing through the gullies and down the streams accompanies the wind as it blows through the trees.
The sun shines down, not harsh, not hot... It's bright glow feels like a warm embrace.
In the shade, the air feels fresh and crisp, and the wind lulls and wraps like a cool sheet on a hot summer night.
The whole earth seems to heave with deep breaths. Awake, but relaxed.
The clouds glow, illuminated by the suns gentle rays, reflecting its beauty that is too harsh to look at directly.
I wonder if this is how Adam felt, looking out at the Garden...

But even amidst all that beauty and comfort, even in the very presence of the Living God. He was still alone...


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