Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My bottom ten


10. trying to clean milk off of glass countertops... it just leaves a white residue.
9. The Jibblies
8. Pops(sodas) that have super long meaningless names or flavors. TRY NEW DIET "ONE" BLACK CHERRY VANILLA LEMON LIME DR. PEPPER! if it takes more than 3 seconds just to say the name, its gone too far.
7. Mountain Dew has minimal effects on me... which isn't fun at all.
6. being sick for extended periods of time (like right now)
5. Canned green beans....*jibblies*
4. that intersection on 51 near castle shannon off library road that's like a 9 way.
3. People who think they're working hard at something and think they're good enough when in the meantime they're not trying hard, they're hardly trying.
2. That awful feeling of missing the last step on a stairwell in the dark. like your stomach drops out from under you.
1. Makeup, in any shape or form that's not deodorant or a hair product such as gel or hairspray. Especially when applied to the face. eye shadow...*jibblies*

There you have it, Wes Sames' bottom 10, subject to change.

mostly meant to be hurmorous, except number 3... that's one that really gets me


Monday, March 06, 2006

Un-minorness! Woohoo!

Woohoo! Dan's 18! Party at his house! literally.

Yep, Saturday was just that. I packed up my stuff and headed over to "the Behrens farm" decked in John Deere, flannel, and jeans. Country music was the order of the day through Dan's new "iPod Hi_Fi", a mini stereo that he got from his uncle. We feated on a magificant ham as well as chicken and Mac n' cheese, along with cheerful conversation about Dan and everyone's future. After dinner, Mr. Behrens decided that we should all have some time to share some stuff about Dan, sentiments bounced around the room akin to stuff you would most likely hear when someone is appresheated at a funeral, but not glummly, but happily. It's a sentiment that I've always had that it's a shame that no one is ever able to attend their own funeral, because most people just don't know how much they mean to the others in their life. I think that this practice the Behren's have introduced to me will carry over into my own parenting. As the night continued, the country gave way to other forms of music, talking gave way to games, skits, and a jello slurping contest. Slowly but steadily The party felt very much like a theme party, which it was, but for a while, it almost seemed natural for everyone to be wearing old timey sort of weird stuff. Then Katie walked in sporting a red hoodie (before changing into flannel) and brought home how odd the scene must have looked. :-P

Later on, there was much guitar playing, talking, and the like. Finally, we all hit the hay at like 1 AM.

Some party, sorry for the short post, more to come
