Wednesday, January 30, 2008

R.I.P. iPod

I think iPods are one of those luxuries that you get used to after a while. My iPod’s main function over the past year was principally to lull me to sleep. Sadly, the death of my iPod’s hard drive has ended this luxury. The ramifications of its failure are still presenting themselves even about two months after the fact. Many nights, I’ve laid sleeplessly in bed, thinking about the thousands—maybe millions—of things that I have going on in my life. I guess I’ve become dependant on music to rock me to sleep. Music, for me, creates a sort of peace; it creates a place that I can fall into and forget the world and all my worries. In a lot of ways, I guess you could say that Music became something of a miracle drug for me.

Well, here’s the truth of it: That peace was extremely artificial. Synthetic. A placebo.
But now, I know the truth in Paul's customary greeting, "Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."

The lack of music in my nightly routine has shown me (yet again) how much I need Christ. I know that I’ve lost hours of sleep to worry, fear and discontent. I know I’ve lost valuable rest to tossing, turning, and waking from shallow sleep. God has given me a new need, and (yet again) he has met my need only because I asked. He has given me peace, rest, and the occasional good dream. That’s definitely something to be thankful for.

“God With Us.” –MercyMe “My heart sings a brand new song. My debt is paid. These chains are gone.”



Laedelas Greenleaf said...

God always seems to replace good with a greater good, eh? Maybe not the good we'd choose...but greater nonetheless. I'll be praying for your good, restful sleep!

~A term for interviewers who don't have voice recorders, and instead jot down interesting segments of their interview while it's happening. They hope to figure out what the interviewee said...eventually...

iJosh said...

It's interesting to see what God does when he takes away something we feel that we rely on for everything. Normally, everything turns out for the good. 'And that is an encouraging thought."

All the same, did you crack open your Pod yet? Even though the hard drive is toast, you could always sell it for about 100 bucks. But don't throw it in the can! I've seen some people replace the hard drive with Compact Flash cards. Unfortunately, the biggest size currently is 8 gigs.

Author at 661 said...

The artificiality of the peace from music is a really neat realization.

I listened to the above message on sleep while cleaning my room last week right before bed. That night, I woke up feeling better than I have in a good while. The next night, not so much, but that's life I guess. ;-) It wasnt the message- it was praying over my sleep and referring to scripture in those prayers that made any difference.

It's a free message, and a great one. Planning on listening again...

Nice vocab!

really loud kazoos bellow nonsensical yabberings