Thursday, July 14, 2005


Its raining, I'm sitting in here at my desk, wondering what to do with myself, read a book, watch TV, play a game, practice Karate, write a small entry in the blog (hehe), go out in the rain... humm, really pretty awesome when life has no huge boundaries, its nice to know I have a choice of activities...

First, I can read a book and be engrossed by a world, made by an author, with characters and a plotline

Second, I can watch a TV sitcom, and become absorbed in a world created by writers and actors, with fake characters and a plotline

Third, I can play a game made by graphic designers, most of the time with fantastic characters and plotline...

On the other hand
I can tone my body and mind by practicing Karate, stretching limbs, toning muscles, improving muscles and improving God's temple that he has given me in the form of a body.
I can write as I'm doing now, putting down thoughts for all the world to see.
And I can go out and enjoy the greatest never-ending show, with the most characters, and the best heroes, God's Creation.
I think I'll go running.


Anonymous said...

Run run, as fast as you can!!

Anonymous said...

Thassa good contrast between the first hand and the other hand. On the other hand, if you pick the right book, the fake characters and plot can shape your mind and therefore life in a fantastic way. ya probably realize this, howeva. Literature is incredible.

Way to go on the blog, Wes!