Monday, July 11, 2005

The first update

Well, I spent the last week leading 6 to 9 yearolds around on horses, tiring, yet fulfilling. Two things I love, horses and little kids.

Today I heard an awesome sermon on Spiritual gifts. Saw some great friends I haven't seen in a while. I had a Karate demo at 3:30 that went very well. After that I just chilled at home till now.

Unfortunately, I have been feeling confused a lot of the time these days. Its hard to explain, but it kinda feels like the left and right side of my brain are fighting. Between spiritual issues and fear of man, I feel mentally taxed. No matter how much sleep, or exercise I get it doesn't go away. When relief comes, its very temporary, but I need to just give it up to God and walk on.

In other news, there must be something wrong with me, I'm a GUY and I have a Hillary Duff song stuck in my head...

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