Friday, October 07, 2005

well, long time no write


Yea, I'm back.

Well, it has most definitely been a while, since the 24th actually.

The biggest thing that happened to me recently is that I won an Xbox 360 from Pepsi! I entered in the 12:30 AM drawing and actually won! So, thats really cool. Lets see, last Sunday Dan orchestrated another Frisbee game. I was actually going to be doing the same, but he beat me to it. I discovered a new/interesting was of throwing a Frisbee, you place your palm ontop of the Frisbee and wrap your thumb around the underneath and use a fore-handed flicking motion to throw the frisbee. Now, bear in mind that this method is by far not practical in any way... But it makes it fly so I count it as a throw. In the pre-game, Dan, Mike, and I were out warming up (unfortunately, I was wearing a polo shirt and jeans, but YAY for undershirts!) Sadly, and disturbingly, Mike wasn't as fortunate to have an undershirt and he had to expose the beacon of light he calls skin. *shiver* BUT! On to the game.

The game itself was, shall we say, interesting. Luke ran ALOT.... like, 5 times as much as anyone else... and it produced results. Several good passes and plays by the usual power players. Heather made a few good end-zone catches, Mike was his usual crazy self, Dan unleashed the power of a foreign beer company logo... So, all in all, pretty normal. But, after Frisbee, we broke away from the norm and played some soccer, by far the most astounding thing that happened thoughout the entire game was an amazing stunt pulled by luke... in some circles its called the "sphere shot". the ball was coming straight down, luke did a half backflip and kicked the ball when he was parallel with the ground. needless to say it was very impressive, but not only that, it actually helped his team score! Very fun.

POST GAME: hangin out at the Q's. We just hanged around outside, and listened to rap.... THE NEIGHBOR'S RAP that is. They had a car stereo or something going at full blast pumping gangsta rap into the hood... with some pretty disturbing lyrics...

Not much has happened since Sunday... I'm bogged down in school and i'm up to my neck in homework for the first time in my life. I'll be sure to make another post if anything interesting happens.

RANDOM FACT: Au Bon Pain means "Some Good Food"




Anonymous said...

I'd say that the above is blogspam. I recomend turning on word verification. its a little pain but it stops most of those 'bots.

Laedelas Greenleaf said...

I thought "au bon pain" meant "a little good pain." You know, like muscle aches after a long & excruciating workout. The best feeling ever.

Congrats on the new game console!