Saturday, May 05, 2007

From The Ashes

Welcome back. Or maybe simply welcome. This is a very old blog of mine that I'm going to attempt to revive. Feel free to peruse the archives, but I want the real life of this Blog to be what's new.

This, of course, begs the question: "What's new?"

Yikes, maybe that's too big of a question for the moment, so I'll start with something simpler: "What's with the new Blog name and Title?"

Well, I've fallen in love with music since I last posted in this blog, and I thought it would be a stupendous new name for a blog. My soul, when I sit at a piano, sings through the keys. God has given me a wonderful gift in the form of piano, and an ability to sit and play what's on my mind. Some people have journals to write out their thoughts, I have the keys on a piano and a memo recorder. (That I just started using recently)

Coincidentally, what I play often reflects my circumstances in life; thus it equates well with an online journal.

Again, Welcome! and I hope you enjoy the ride. :-)



Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back!

Laedelas Greenleaf said...

Dude! Cool! You should get a music site, like Johnny B, and record your music for the rest of us :-)