Thursday, November 10, 2005

I'm Symphonic!

I woke up this morning to discover that I was going to the symphony today! Although overjoyed, I had wished I had gotten more sleep. Last night was awful, I couldn't get comfortable in bed. So after a few hours of tumbling around I finally got up in search of a better place to sleep. Upon finding the dogs had taken my favorite spots, I resigned to the couch, where I woke up just 7 hours later.

After getting everything sorted that I need to get so, we set out for the Symphony. After completing the various tasks encountered on the way there, and the insane difficulty of Pittsburgh parking, we took our seats above the orchestra. There were a few simple pieces that could be considered a bit of a "warm up" but then there was the main piece which contained the performance of a world famous violin soloist: Leo Kavakos. I was enthralled by his performance. More than I have been with anyone before. I became so locked on to this guy who was standing center stage that as I continued to stare, I became increasingly aware of my contact lenses. As time wore on, I found that I had not blinked for more than a minute! After resting my eyes, and using my ears, the music became all the more personal. Every stroke of the bow was like it was being executed on my very eardrum, each physical pluck of the string became my pulse, the rising and falling of the bow became the blood in my veins. It was musical Nirvana.

What is music though? It is vibrations in the air produced by an instrument at a certain frequency to produce real-time positive or negative effects from the brain. What is the power that God has given music over us? What gave David the ability to sooth Saul? It's a profound gift that few tend to appreciate. Music is part of who we are, and it is a gift from God, we should treat it as such.

Let my Life's song sing to you O Lord.

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