Sunday, November 27, 2005


I lapse into the past. Encapsulated in ruminitions of times that tend to be so consumed in dark mists. Oh but it is not sorrow which my mind dwells on, but joy, pure euphoric joy of what can be so grasped by my human mind. I lament on day that I was saved by grace. I see also they days that I can recount of a love that did not hold true. But clearest of all, I see those who surround me now. An ever growing bastion of joy that I can call my church family. I can see those who God has blessed me with, and times when I have joined them and been with them in their lives. I bless the name of the God who created me that he has GIVEN me through divine providence these people who I hold so dear.

(end of sophisticated writing)

Some of you may think I don't care about you, and if I do its not much. I want to make a list of all of you who I hold in a special place. Although the names and all the reasons would fill a book the size of a dictionary. I treasure you all like brothers and sisters. God his given me a great gift in you all. Thank you for being in my life.


sorry for the mushy post. :-)


Laedelas Greenleaf said...

'Twas not "mushy" at all, dear brother. Waxing eloquent about meaningful interactions need not be labeled a dishonor. I do thank thee for the encouragement. Thy words mean much.

Clear Ambassador said...

"An ever growing bastion of joy that I can call my church family."

Good sentence!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings! God's church is indeed an amazing body. I don't know where I would be without it!