Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Its that time again

Birthday time! Yep, My B-day was the 5th. Had quite frankly an awesome day, exercised outside to loud music for a few hours, got some sweet presents, then we went out to dinner! We went to this place called the Shogun Steakhouse, it's one of those places where they cook on the table right infront of you. Despite the chef's best efforts, (i.e. fast movements, flicking sharp cooking instruments at me, pouring Vodka infront of me and lighting it) I didn't flinch. (amazingly) I even got to taste Sake! It was alot stronger than I expected. The restaurant had this little river going through the building, and there was this sign that said "Please no throw penny in pond, please save fish lives." so, that was worth a laugh or three.

School is finally getting back on track. Geometry is getting easier. I'm going to church this Sunday (finally). Life is going good generally. I've been asking people what their eye color is recently, just out of curiosity. Alot of people have brown eyes, however there's the few that have blue or some variation. (Although some are falsely perceived to have brown eyes. :-P)

Random thought: It feels good to be wearing my new iPod on my belt. Its like I've got Chris Martin and U2 going everywhere with me. At least in effegy.

I'll be around, and I always want to talk.


P.S. new more frequently updated blog of mine! If you're looking for random drop in:


Anonymous said...

hey! that's DT's birthday!

#387065 said...

HAHA! wow, Between the duster and the B-day, we're like twins! :-P