Tuesday, September 13, 2005

ahh, Joy, and happiness. Two different things

Well, Monday... The day after one of the worst afternoons/evenings in months. Who knew God would use it for the greatest good.

Well, as the day started, It was typical. Normal breakfast, normal school. But, then we went to Reading & writing club with the Taylors and the Behrens. Had a good but short time there, then resumed my miserable-ness at home... After a while I started talking to John B. Which helped me a lot, I was encouraged, and so I went out and read the bible and prayed for about an hour and a half. By the time I was done, it was dark. I decided to go have a fire by the lake. I went inside, got some warm cloths on and gather supplies. Matches, flashlight, newspaper, bible, pen, ipod, etc. Stuffed it all in a backpack and went on my way down the hill. Gathered up some wood and put it in a typical fire-making shape, put some paper under it, threw a match in. Nothing happened. The paper just burned up. I use up all of the paper and the logs don't even smoke. I really didn't want to go back up to the house to get more paper, so I did the last thing I would normally do in this situation.... Pray. I prayed "God help me light this fire that I may glorify your name tonight by its light."

I opened my eyes, the logs are laying there in the now-cool ashes of the paper.

Suddenly, one of the logs begins to smoke, and light on fire!. Soon, the fire spreads to the whole pile, and I'm left praising God for such a small but significant miracle. I spent the next two hours in prayer and reading the bible by firelight. I was blown away, totally. I was so filled with Joy. Not just happiness, but JOY. Glorifying God for my very existence. The opposite of what I felt on Sunday night... Almost total opposite.

Ahh man, God has given me so much! How can I possibly criticize that which I hold most dear? HOW!?!?! I desire now to further relationships with all my friends. All of them, so I may futher serve God.

Thank you God, for my friends, and my distance from them, which brings me all the closer.

A call to my friends: Go find someone you love as a brother or sister in a Christ and give them a big hug and tell them that you thank God that they're there.

Pro Christo,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

amazing story wes, thanks for sharing!

<3 love your sister in Christ!